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First Aid for a broken arm


Some tips and advice

Many minor illnesses can be managed at home or with the help of a pharmacist.

Have a look at our tips and advice!


Colds and flu


The main symptoms of winter cold and flu bugs are:
Coughing, sneezing, blocked nose, sore throat, headache, and a slight temperature .If these are the only symptoms you have, it’s unlikely that your GP will be able to do anything. You may want to visit your local pharmacy, where you can get advice on how to manage the symptoms and buy over-the-counter medicine.


Diarrhea and vomiting

Most cases of diarrhea clear up after a few days without treatment, and you may not need to see your GP. However, diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so you should drink plenty of fluids (small, frequent sips of water) until it passes. It's very important that babies and small children do not become dehydrated.
Your pharmacist may suggest that you use an oral re hydration solution if you or your child are particularly at risk of dehydration.


Back pain


Most cases of back pain get better on their own and you may not need to see a doctor. If you’ve only had back pain for a few days or weeks, the following advice may help relieve your symptoms and speed up your recovery: remain as active as possible and try to continue with your daily activities, take over-the-counter painkillers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen if you feel you need to, use hot or cold compression packs – you can buy these from your local pharmacy, or a bag of frozen vegetables and a hot water bottle will work just as well .


Minor sprains


Sprains and strains are common injuries affecting the muscles and ligaments. Most can be treated at home without seeing a GP.

Check if you have a sprain or strain

It's likely to be a sprain or strain if:

  • you have pain, tenderness or weakness – often around your ankle, foot, wrist, thumb, knee, leg or back

  • the injured area is swollen or bruised

  • you can't put weight on the injury or use it normally

  • you have muscle spasms or cramping – where your muscles painfully tighten on their own

Is it a sprain or a strain?

How to treat sprains and strains yourself

For the first couple of days, follow the 4 steps known as RICE therapy to help bring down swelling and support the injury:

  1. Rest â€“ stop any exercise or activities and try not to put any weight on the injury.

  2. Ice â€“ apply an ice pack (or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a tea towel) to the injury for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.

  3. Compression â€“ wrap a bandage around the injury to support it.

  4. Elevate â€“ keep it raised on a pillow as much as possible.

To help prevent swelling, try to avoid heat – such as hot baths and heat packs â€“ alcohol and massages for the first couple of days.

When you can move the injured area without pain stopping you, try to keep moving it so the joint or muscle doesn't become stiff.


Ear wax!

If you know you have wax, please use 2-3 drops of warm olive or almond oil 2-3 times a day in the affected ear(s) for about 1 week before seeing the doctor. If you aren't sure whether you have wax, please make an appointment so we can have a look, but don't expect an ear flush that day!


Children and warts/plantar warts. Warts are a viral self limiting problem, ie leave them alone and eventually they will go away. Because freezing is painful, we are encouraged not to treat children for a condition that will go with time. Please try over the counter treatments, they are safe and usually work, or just let time and your child's body do their "thing"!



Here is a link to an excellent site with more information:

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