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Medical form with stethoscope


We realize that unfortunately, forms are a fact of life for our patients and ourselves.

We also realize that there are often time constraints and financial pressures.

Please drop off all forms to a member of staff, make sure you have signed everything and filled in your parts. It would be helpful to say whether there is a strict deadline.

We have no time to do forms during our day at the office, we have to do them in our personal time at home. For that reason, please allow 2 weeks for completion and longer if the doctor is on vacation.

Unfortunately most forms have to be paid for by the patient as most insurance companies will not pay.

We have an up to date price list in our office, please look at it before handing in your form. We charge below the Doctors Of BC recommended fees.


Drivers Medicals:

There is a charge of $130 for completing YELLOW forms and a charge of $55 for BLUE forms

Please pay on arrival and remember your form!


We accept cash (exact change), cheque, debit, Visa and MasterCard


Handicapped parking 

We can generate these forms in your chart so they are already filled in, no need to bring one. When asking for the form, please bear in mind the criteria:

You must not be able to walk more than 100 meters or be legally blind.

If you do not fulfill these criteria, we will have to decline your request.


Disability Tax credit

Every year , we have numerous people coming in asking for these forms to be signed. Often their accountant, friends, community worker, social worker etc has told them they qualify, or they have looked on line at the websites which list virtually every condition existing and say that if you have one, you qualify!

BUT the criteria is actually very strict. A person has to be extremely disabled, for example- struggle to walk 100m, be blind, deaf, incapable of feeding themselves, incontinent etc. It is NOT diagnosis based, it is on your level of disability, regardless of diagnosis. 

We have been asked to "sign anyway and let's see", but we are sorry, IF we sign those forms for someone who does not fulfill the strict criteria, we are potentially committing fraud, and we will not do that! We generally already know who would qualify, if we say no, it is rare we will change our minds, please don't ask again unless your circumstances change dramatically.

There is a $120 form fee charge for these forms. 


Below are some of the other fees charged by our clinic for services that are NOT covered by MSP.

Missed Appointments $50-$70

Doctor’s Note for Work/School $25

Transfer of Medical Records $100

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